Advent: It’s All About Love
John 3:16 is clear, Jesus came for the sake of love. Everything God does comes out of love because God is Love. Not love like we often define it in this world, but love as only God can define and give. And our lives are meant to receive that love, so we can live with that kind of love for others.
Advent: Good News that Brings Great Joy
The angel said to the shepherds that he was bringing them good news that would be great joy to all the world. Everyone! But what is this good news? And how does it bring great joy? Sure, we are happy that Jesus is born, but is it more than just happy for a moment? Jesus being born means more than just being happy!
Advent: Jesus the Prince of Peace
What does it mean to live under the authority of the Prince of Peace? First, we have to recognize that authority and then we need to listen to the authority. God does not take authority over us. He IS the author of all things. He IS the authority. Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and he invites us to recognize and live under and by that authority.
Advent: Jesus our Hope
In this first week of the Advent Season we are looking at hope. Scripture says Jesus is our hope, and through his birth that we celebrate at Christmas, we are invited to anticipate, with great expectation, the coming of the one who leads us to salvation, the one who heals, restores and sets us free. We have a great hope in Jesus Christ!