To Be Perfect…
Jesus said if we are to be perfect, as our heavenly Father is perfect, we must learn to love our enemies, and pray for those who persecute us. It might just be one of the hardest thing there is. But through Christ's accomplishing the purpose of the law, we are able to rely on Him for where we fall short.
What We Say Matters
Our words are not just important, but powerful. Proverbs tells us that there is life and death in the power of the tongue. So what we say matters! And Jesus brings some correction to how people had been interpreting and using the law of Moses to their own advantage. Vows aren't bad, but if you make them, you have to stick with them. Better to not make a vow and not have a promise you can break!
Not What God Intended
God did not intend for people to suffer heartache in their marriages. God did not intend for marriages to fall apart. Marriage is one of the greatest blessings on this earth. But for the best marriage to happen, we have to be healthy, whole, and following Jesus.
Anger & Revenge
I don't know if I've met anyone that doesn't deal with these simple, yet potentially devastating issues: Anger & Revenge. Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount challenges both of these. Anger and revenge start in the heart, but lead to so much more, and Jesus came that we would experience life, not death.
The Law & Righteousness: An Introduction
In this first week of a new series, we are going to be looking at what Jesus says about the law and what we should focus on when it comes to the law and righteousness.