Dealing With Dogs, Pigs, & Pearls
Jesus makes what could be seen as a pretty confusing statement. It seems like he's calling people dogs and pigs! What does it mean? Why is he saying it? Does he mean something else, and if so, what? And does it apply for us today at all? He is saying something quite deep, quite profound, and it can be hidden in the confusing words, but is worth looking at.
God Help Me…
As we continue our series on Playing God and we look at Matthew 7:1-6, Jesus continues to tell us that we must deal with the issues we carry so that we can help others in their journey. Judging, condemning, pointing out someone else's flaws or difficulties when we are burdened with the same does no good for either of us. But when we allow Jesus to heal us, we can be a resource and helper to those who need healing.
You Are Not The Judge
In this new series we are looking at Matthew 7:1-6, where Jesus talks about making judgments. First things first, he tells us not to judge. It's not our place. Even he said that he hadn't come to the world to judge it, but to save it. Does that means there's no judgement? No. Not by any means. It means that we are in the time of salvation, where the good news of the gospel is that God's desire is that none should perish, but all come to repentance and receive eternal life through Jesus Christ!