Thanksgiving as a guidepost
When you're going through difficult times, look up, where's the guidepost? Giving thanks lifts our eyes to see where God is leading us. It's a guidepost to keep moving forward!
Giving thanks through worship
This week we are looking at the connection between Worship and Giving Thanks! Over and over again the bible tells us to give thanks, sing praises to the Lord! Our worship is thanksgiving!
What does gratitude do?
In our second week of THANKSgiving, we look at how to stay grateful in the midst of going through things in our lives. Is there really a way to be content in all circumstances, like Paul said?
Thanksgiving as a response
This is the first sermon of our new series on THANKSgiving! Today we're looking at Thanksgiving as a response. Do we stay thankful in heart alone, or are we compelled to action because of our gratitude and appreciation of what God has done in our lives? In everything give thanks!