Equip, Encourage & Engage
Our foundational beliefs and core values would be incomplete if they did not include the great commission - to go out into the world and proclaim the gospel. The Gospel is the Good News of Jesus Christ. And we are meant to be equipped and encouraged to engage with the community within the church and outside of the church! Each person is valuable and essential to the community!
He Restores My Soul
When we realize that God loves us, and that He wants to have a real relationship with us, we recognize that where He is leading us is to a place of true and lasting freedom. Jesus said His purpose was to give life and life abundantly. Psalm 23 says that He leads us to a place of calm and rest to restore our souls!
God’s Voice in the Silence: Part 2
God is Real. He WANTS to be found by us. He's not playing hide and seek and hiding so well we can't find Him. He's a good Father, waiting for his kids to connect with us! Part of that is learning to hear His voice when he speaks to us.
God’s Voice in the Silence: Part 1
God is speaking, but we have to want to be listening. And the enemy of our lives will do whatever he can to make us thing God isn't speaking, doesn't want to speak to us, or we're not even allowed to be close to God. Nothing could be further from the truth!
The Love of God the Father
In the start of this new series we are going to be taking 4 weeks to look at what our core beliefs and values are as a church that position us to live the transformed life. Our actions are produced by the beliefs we hold. Jesus said that a good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit - we want to be those who produce good fruit out of the good tree of our lives because we are rooted and grounded in the good things of God!