Easter Sunday: The Two Thieves
On Easter Sunday we celebrate that not only did Jesus give his life for us, which he said was the greatest act of love, to lay down your life for others, but also, that He did not stay dead, proving he is Messiah, and He is God the Son, the savior of the world!
Palm Sunday: The Messiah We Need
On what we call Palm Sunday we look at Jesus entering Jerusalem, riding on a donkey, as the crowds of people cheered - praising the Son of David, the King who would come to rescue Israel. What they didn't realize was that he was there to lay down his life, and had a much bigger plan than they could ever imagine!
The Expressed Love of God
Through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ the Love of God is expressed to humanity! Jesus knew he was on a mission and nothing would stop him from fulfilling that mission. And that mission was because of God's love for you! Jesus, knowing what he would endure, set his face toward Jerusalem and went toward the fulfillment of why He came to earth!
God’s Love Through You
What if God intended for us to experience His love, not just through Him, not just through the power of the Holy Spirit, like Romans 5:5 says, that the love of God has been poured into our hearts through the power of the Holy Spirit, but also through each other? We fully experience God's love when we learn to receive His love and love each other!
The Felt Love Of God
When we experience the love of God what is it that we are experiencing? Paul writes in the book of Romans that God has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.
Can I Trust God The Father?
As we continue our series on the UnConditional love of God we need to look at one of the ways that we are held back in our relationship with God. What we believe about Him and His love for us. We are free, but that doesn't always mean we live that way! Let's learn to be free and live free in the love of God!
The Love Of The Father
In our new series, UnConditional, we are looking at the love of God. It is eternal, unconditional, and available to us. And God expresses that love toward us in different ways through the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son & God the Holy Spirit. Come on the journey with us as we experience the love of God!