Sermons Robert Augi Sermons Robert Augi

In Closing…

We thought we had wrapped it up, but we're taking one more look at some important things in regards to using the gifts of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives gifts, but does not take control of us to use them. We need to learn to use the gifts. And more importantly, we need to learn to use them the right way, out of God's great love for us, expressed to each other as the body of Christ. The point isn't the gifts, the point is to be an encouragement to others and point us to God.

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Sermons Robert Augi Sermons Robert Augi

The Questions You Didn’t Ask

As we wrap up this series on the spiritual gifts talked about in scripture, we are asking a few questions about what we do now. How do we live in this? What do we do in regards to these gifts? How do we ensure they are used and not just talked about? And maybe we don't know just yet how it's all going to look, but that's ok, because like the gifts are meant to work together, the body of Christ must come together to learn and grow!

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Sermons Robert Augi Sermons Robert Augi

Power With Purpose

Some gifts seem more natural. Some seem more supernatural. But all are Spiritual. Meaning, it is by and through the Holy Spirit working in and through us that the gifts serve their purpose. These are gifts of the Spirit. And some have incredible power to help, serve and encourage the body of Christ. This week we look at the power of the Holy Spirit working through faith, healing and miracles.

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Sermons Robert Augi Sermons Robert Augi

How Can I Help?

As much as there is planning, organizing and leading, there is also doing. And God has gifted people to do certain things really well. This week we look at the serving and helping gifts that often times make things run smoothly and efficiently. The backbone of any great organization is people working really well together in roles that they are equipped to engage with.

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Sermons Robert Augi Sermons Robert Augi

Be Led By The Spirit

We're looking at what scripture calls the "spiritual gifts". These are gifts God has gifted to the body of Christ to aid and help each other. To help build and grow what God is wanting to do in and through each of us, and as a community. But it is more than just a natural or supernatural talent, it is being led by the Spirit of God. And as we focus on God's leading we see opportunity to help and offer these gifts to others.

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Sermons Robert Augi Sermons Robert Augi

Communication Is Key!

Our words are important. They have the power to give life to those we are talking to. They also have the power to tear down, break apart and hurt people. The bible says life and death are in the power of the tongue. So, when it comes to the spiritual gifts that involve communication, we need to value the incredible honor that they really are!

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Sermons Robert Augi Sermons Robert Augi

How Important Is This?

As we jump into looking at some of the spiritual gifts that God gives us as the Church, we have to ask the question, How important are the Spiritual Gifts? Do we need them? Does everyone actually have one, or two, or more? What should we expect? How do we figure all of this out? And what are the gifts? What do they mean, and what do they do?

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Sermons Robert Augi Sermons Robert Augi

To Each He Gave…

One of the ways we are able to encourage the body of Christ is to use what scripture calls our "Spiritual Gifts". The bible says that each or us have been spiritual gifts to help, serve and equip each other. But being given a gift doesn't mean we know how to use it. We need to learn about our gifts, and learn how to use them.

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Sermons Robert Augi Sermons Robert Augi

What’d You Say?

As we continue our series on being Encouraged to Encourage, we are going to talk about how important the words are that come out of our mouths. Scripture tells us over and over again on how to watch what we say, think about what we say, and use our words in the right way.

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Sermons Robert Augi Sermons Robert Augi

Encouraged to Encourage

In our new series, E2E: Encouraged to Encourage, we are going to be looking at our role in the church. What does it mean to be a part of Christ's body? What does it mean to be someone who both needs to be encouraged, but also, is meant to encourage others? You are unique, gifted, and needed for the church to flourish!

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