Sermons Robert Augi Sermons Robert Augi

…and don’t stop

There's a difference between BEING Free and LIVING Free. You are Free, the word says it. But the bible also warns us not to fall back into our former state of NOT being free. So, if running to the light is what sets us free, then can we ever stop???

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Sermons Robert Augi Sermons Robert Augi

Running together

We were NOT meant to do this alone. We were not meant to struggle alone. God designed us to be on this journey to the light of Jesus Christ together. To encourage each other. To be there for each other. Don't fall into the lie that you are meant to be isolated and alone! Let's find a better way to be free together!

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Sermons Robert Augi Sermons Robert Augi

Why do I hide?

Jesus doesn't want his light to shine on you to expose you and punish you, he is inviting us to allow his light to shine in our hearts and lives to reveal what needs healing!

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Sermons Robert Augi Sermons Robert Augi

Who am I?

In the light of Jesus we find who we truly are. God wants to lead you into the light to show you who He has truly made you to be!

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