Sermons Robert Augi Sermons Robert Augi

The Whole Point

In wrapping up this series we'll look at what Jesus said about the commandments. He quotes the commandments to those who ask. He instructs them to be followed. But He also goes beyond that and draws people into Him, the Living Word.

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Sermons Robert Augi Sermons Robert Augi

Be Content With You

So often what gets us walking outside of God's instructions for a good life is that we don't feel content with what we have, aren't sure of who He is, and decide we need to sort that out for ourselves... This is not God's way! His instructions are meant to lead us to life, if we follow His voice!

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Sermons Robert Augi Sermons Robert Augi

It Starts In The Heart

Long before a commandment is followed or broken, the battle is for the heart - the place of our affections. Where we choose to believe. Where we choose to commit. Where we choose to follow.

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Sermons Robert Augi Sermons Robert Augi

Keep These Things Holy

As we continue on our journey through Exodus 20 and looking at the Ten Commandments, asking, "Are these still relevant?" we find that the world around us does not always reflect what Scripture says. Does that mean what scripture says is no longer relevant, or does that mean we must re-evaluate our own lives and be dedicated to God's ways?

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Sermons Robert Augi Sermons Robert Augi

God and ONLY God

As we start this new series on the 10 Commandments we're asking the question, Are God's commandments still relevant for today? God gives us instruction because he's wanting to lead us. Jesus said he was the good shepherd and as his sheep we would hear his voice and have the invitation to follow. Today we look at the first two commandments.

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