Persecution is…
No one likes going through hard times, or dealing with people treating them differently. And sometimes we get ourselves into those situations, and other times it's like Jesus said, the world won't understand why we follow Him, and because of that, they will persecute the church. Sure, we've all done things we shouldn't have that got backlash, but what about when we are doing everything right, and we are treated poorly because of that?
Do You Have Peace?
Jesus said that those who make peace are blessed. He also said that it was a clear sign that they are the sons of God. He who is the Prince of Peace, leads us into a life of peace, for the purpose of creating peace around us. But the question is, do we have peace?
The Importance of Your Heart
How does our heart affect our actions? What is the connection? Scripture tells us that out of our hearts flow all things, both evil and good. That a good heart can't produce bad fruit, and a bad heart can't produce good fruit. So our heart is very important.
Mercy or Justice
When bad things happen to us we have a choice to make, do we give mercy, or demand justice? Karma might sound like it is the better option, but Jesus had a better way, "Blessed are those who are merciful..." the end result? We will also receive mercy when we mess up.
Made Righteous To Be Righteous
Jesus didn't call us to follow a set of rules, he calls us to follow Him. Jesus himself had a hunger and thirst for righteousness, and he calls us to the same as we become more like him. To do what is right, out of our love for, and for the sake of the One who is righteous!
Humility Goes A Long Way
In the third beatitude Jesus calls us to be like him, meek. He would later say that he is lowly and gentle of heart. Meek, gentle, humble. They all call us to a different way of living. The Jesus way!
Can You See Your Need?
In the first words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount he challenges the people to ask if they recognize that they need something. They need Him. They need the Messiah. And he's come to give them the Kingdom. He's come to teach them how to live.
What Does It Mean To Be Blessed?
In our first week of a new series, Be Like Jesus, we are looking at the "Beatitudes" found in Matthew 5:2-12. Jesus first challenges what it means to be blessed. People had a warped ideology of blessing. Through this teaching he also leads people to life by inviting them to have a different perspective, even in the midst of difficult times.