Where do we go from here?
As we wrap up this series, we have to ask, "Where do we go from here?" We've talked about this "kingdom", God's rule and reign, His authority, the King's Domain... What now?
Will you be faithful?
Matthew 25 actually contains three parables from Jesus. The second is about three servants who are given charge of their masters finances while being gone on a trip. The lesson? What we do with what we've been given makes all the difference!
Are you prepared?
Jesus tells a story in Matthew 25 that asks a very pointed question: Are You Prepared? It's a question we need to ask often. Are we prepared? Are we paying attention? Are we doing what we need to do today for what we are called to do tomorrow?
Where our focus lies
The Kingdom is looking for you, are you looking for the Kingdom? Jesus said the Kingdom is like a merchant looking ....but also, the Kingdom is a treasure, we should be seeking to find.
The search
The Kingdom is looking for you, are you looking for the Kingdom? Jesus said the Kingdom is like a merchant looking ....but also, the Kingdom is a treasure, we should be seeking to find.
The kingdom invitation
We are all invited. Do we all accept the invitation? To enjoy a gift you must receive it, accept it, but to do that, you must make a choice that you want the gift. We are all invited…
Enter & see
Jesus talked about two aspects of our interaction with the Kingdom very often. To Enter and to See the Kingdom. One is our Position, one is our Experience!
The Kingdom of God
Jesus talked about the Kingdom of God often. He even said it was WHY he was sent to earth. Seems pretty important! In this new series we will be looking at what the Kingdom is, what it means and how, as Jesus said, we can See and Enter the Kingdom!