Filled to overflowing
The Holy Spirit isn't just a promise that we receive at the time of our belief in Jesus Christ, but God wants to FILL us with His presence and power!
The promise of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is a promise from God. Jesus said he WILL send him. Paul writes that we HAVE received. It's not a question of whether the Holy Spirit is for us, it's whether we are looking for His presence in our lives!
God celebrates mothers
God celebrates motherhood. In fact, the role of parents is SO important to God that it became one of the Ten Commandments. One of God's rules for life, instructions for good living, and there it is, right in the middle as number 5, Honor your father and your mother! Then you will live a long, good life in the land that God is giving you.
We celebrate mothers. We celebrate women. We celebrate all that God created them to be!
…and don’t stop
There's a difference between BEING Free and LIVING Free. You are Free, the word says it. But the bible also warns us not to fall back into our former state of NOT being free. So, if running to the light is what sets us free, then can we ever stop???
Running together
We were NOT meant to do this alone. We were not meant to struggle alone. God designed us to be on this journey to the light of Jesus Christ together. To encourage each other. To be there for each other. Don't fall into the lie that you are meant to be isolated and alone! Let's find a better way to be free together!
Why do I hide?
Jesus doesn't want his light to shine on you to expose you and punish you, he is inviting us to allow his light to shine in our hearts and lives to reveal what needs healing!
Easter Sunday
Today we celebrate that Jesus is ALIVE! The grave could not hold him down. Death could not keep him in its grip. Jesus is the Risen Savior of the world!
We don't search for a god who is dead and gone, but we serve the one true God who is alive and active! We follow a King who is Good, and Just, and Righteous. We give our lives to His purpose and His plan!
Thank you Jesus for Resurrection Sunday!!!
Connected to His presence
God does not intend for us to be alone, and He is not a God who is absent or not available. The bible tells us that we are the very temple of the Holy Spirit. We are meant to house His presence. It also says he will never leave us nor forsake us. Jesus made a way so we could be connected in God's presence now and forever.
Connected to the vine
Jesus said He is the vine, we are the branches. In Him we are connected to life. In Him we are connected to fruitfulness. God's desire for your life is that you bare GREAT fruit! It shows we are disciples of Jesus and brings glory to God!
Hearing God’s voice
God still speaks, and we want to hear His voice! Today we look at practical steps to hearing the voice of God. In relationship, we have conversation. And the more conversation we have, the better we get to know the person we are in relationship with. God wants to talk with us!
God still speaks
Does God still speak today? He certainly does all throughout the Bible, right? Well, He still speaks today, and you can make yourself available to hear His voice.
God is available
What does it mean to be CONNECTED to the God who created the universe? To be connected to His love, His presence, His mercy? In this series we are looking at being CONNECTED to God!
When asked what the most important instruction God ever gave was, Jesus answered, "Love...". It's for love that God gave His only Son. It's for love that God set us free. It's for love that He created us! Everything He does comes out of a heart of Love, and He desires our lives to be the same!
God shows us how to be generous by being generous Himself. He has modeled it time and time again through His unrelenting pursuit of us. As part of our Basics series we are going to look at why God wants us to be may be different than you think!
The Bible
We say it, "Get back to the Basics"...but what does that mean, and how does it pertain to our Christianity? There are basic tools within our Christian life, but if we don't use them, we don't grow. Join us as we start this new series and learn to apply the basic tools that God's given us to grow in our walk with Him!