The Love of the World!
In the fourth week of Advent we are looking at Love. It is all about love. It started that way, it is that way, and it will all end that way. And here's the thing. Love never ends. For all eternity God is love, Jesus is the expressed heart of love and we are surrounded and filled with love by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Joy Is More Than A Feeling!
We want to be happy. We want to feel joy. But we aren't always happy. Life isn't always easy. So what happens when things aren't going our way? Can we maintain our joy? We can if we recognize it's more than a feeling!
Where Is Your Peace?
Jesus is the Prince of Peace. He is full of peace himself and the bringer of peace. Where He goes, peace follows. Where He is invited, peace follows. If you are lacking peace, the solution is to invite the Prince of Peace into your life, to give up your own way and follow His way. The closer you follow Him, the more peace you will encounter!
Do You Have Hope?
In our new series, It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year! we are joining the world wide church in celebrating Advent. The first week of Advent we focus on Hope. Hope is absolutely essential to our fulfilling the promises God has for us.
Learning To Give Thanks Pt. 2
As we continue to look at what it means to Give Thanks, we are taking a look at how our gratitude and thanksgiving toward God, and people, can keep us on the right track. Thanksgiving leads us to God, prayer, relationship and so much more!
Learning To Give Thanks Pt. 1
In this first of two weeks on Thanksgiving we are looking at the difference between responsive thanksgiving and preemptive thanksgiving. Jesus used both. One is to thank God for what He has done, and the other to remind us that He can do it again!
Are We Persecuted?
Jesus said that we are blessed when we choose to do what is right, and then said when we get persecuted for doing what is right, we are blessed then too! So, are we persecuted? What does it mean? How do we respond?
Who Stole Your Peace?
As we continue through this series, looking at Matthew 5:3-12, we're at vs 9, Blessed are the peacemakers!... What does it mean to make peace? To be a bringer, or carrier of the peace of God?
Blessed Are The Merciful!
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy! What did Jesus mean? And did he want us to show the same kind of mercy he showed people? Scripture tells us that the mercy and compassion of Jesus moved him to do wonderful things.
What is Right & Just?
Today we look at the word Righteousness. What does Jesus mean when he says, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness."? His promise is that the blessing is we will be satisfied and fulfilled.
Where Is Your Heart At?
Beginning to jump around a bit in our series looking at Matthew 5:3-12, the "Beatitudes", we are going to look at 5:5 and 5:8 today, and ask the question, "Where is your heart at?" Jesus cares about the heart because out of the heart flow action. Our hearts determine our lives. Where we set our affections, where we place our devotion, will dictate the decisions we make in life.
How In Touch Are You?
As we continue our journey through Matthew 5:3-12 we look at what it means to truly feel. Jesus said that we are blessed when we mourn because in our mourning we can experience His comfort. But that requires two things of us. First, to feel, to grieve, to mourn. And second, to turn to Him for comfort.
Could I Be Happier?
In our new series Could I Be Happier?, we are looking at what Jesus said about being happy. Not based on our circumstances, but regardless of them! Could it be that the things we are going through are actually meant to bring us to a place of true contentment in Christ?
Why We All NEED Community
Community is a word we use often to simply just mean, "A group of people in the same location doing the same thing." But it means so much more. And one of our highest goals here at Cutler Bay Worship Center is to grow in and be a place of healthy community!
Kings & Queens Still Need Him!
In our last week of this series, we look at the fact that no matter who we are we need God. Even kings & queens need the King of Kings!
I Feel Stuck!
As we continue to look at the life of David, we move from the external giants, like Goliath, to the internal giants that we face. David didn't do everything perfect. In fact, he failed quite spectacularly. And in our lives we can learn from his mistakes, and learned from how he dealt with them.
Defeating Giants
In our new series, Here My Cry! we are looking at the life of David, who would become King, but didn't have an easy road on that way to that point, OR after! Scripture says that David was a man after God's heart. But what does that mean? He surely didn't get it right all the time. So how do we treat David, as a success, as a failure, or as something else?
You Are A Gatekeeper
What does it mean to be a gatekeeper? You are a gatekeeper of your own life, of your home and of your family... As we begin this new school year, let's take a minute to ask how we can best help our kids thrive and prosper in life!
The Whole Point
In wrapping up this series we'll look at what Jesus said about the commandments. He quotes the commandments to those who ask. He instructs them to be followed. But He also goes beyond that and draws people into Him, the Living Word.
Be Content With You
So often what gets us walking outside of God's instructions for a good life is that we don't feel content with what we have, aren't sure of who He is, and decide we need to sort that out for ourselves... This is not God's way! His instructions are meant to lead us to life, if we follow His voice!