The Importance of Your Heart
How does our heart affect our actions? What is the connection? Scripture tells us that out of our hearts flow all things, both evil and good. That a good heart can't produce bad fruit, and a bad heart can't produce good fruit. So our heart is very important.
Mercy or Justice
When bad things happen to us we have a choice to make, do we give mercy, or demand justice? Karma might sound like it is the better option, but Jesus had a better way, "Blessed are those who are merciful..." the end result? We will also receive mercy when we mess up.
Made Righteous To Be Righteous
Jesus didn't call us to follow a set of rules, he calls us to follow Him. Jesus himself had a hunger and thirst for righteousness, and he calls us to the same as we become more like him. To do what is right, out of our love for, and for the sake of the One who is righteous!
Humility Goes A Long Way
In the third beatitude Jesus calls us to be like him, meek. He would later say that he is lowly and gentle of heart. Meek, gentle, humble. They all call us to a different way of living. The Jesus way!
Can You See Your Need?
In the first words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount he challenges the people to ask if they recognize that they need something. They need Him. They need the Messiah. And he's come to give them the Kingdom. He's come to teach them how to live.
What Does It Mean To Be Blessed?
In our first week of a new series, Be Like Jesus, we are looking at the "Beatitudes" found in Matthew 5:2-12. Jesus first challenges what it means to be blessed. People had a warped ideology of blessing. Through this teaching he also leads people to life by inviting them to have a different perspective, even in the midst of difficult times.
Building on a Firm Foundation: Part 2
In one of his first teachings, Jesus says that we are both salt and light. But what does he mean? And why is he saying it that way? As we continue to establish the foundation of the Kingdom of God and our place in it, we look at Matthew 5:13-16 and the connection it has with Paul's encouragement that we are Ambassadors of Christ.
Building on a Firm Foundation: Part 1
As we lay out our journey for this year, we are looking at Jesus' words from Matthew 5-7, what is traditionally called, "The Sermon on the Mount". This series of short teachings was Jesus' way of explaining what life was to look like under this new 'rule and reign' of the Kingdom of God. The Messiah hadn't come with an army to overthrow the nations of the world and force them to follow, he gives all people the invitation to follow him as he leads us as the Good Shepherd.
Welcome to 2024!
The beginning of the year seems like it's a good time to set things in order, do a personal inventory of how we are doing, and make a choice to do what we can to move forward in our lives. Does our relationship with God need the same? In our discipleship to Jesus, are we doing what He's called us to do? And if not, how can we fix that?
Advent: It’s All About Love
John 3:16 is clear, Jesus came for the sake of love. Everything God does comes out of love because God is Love. Not love like we often define it in this world, but love as only God can define and give. And our lives are meant to receive that love, so we can live with that kind of love for others.
Advent: Good News that Brings Great Joy
The angel said to the shepherds that he was bringing them good news that would be great joy to all the world. Everyone! But what is this good news? And how does it bring great joy? Sure, we are happy that Jesus is born, but is it more than just happy for a moment? Jesus being born means more than just being happy!
Advent: Jesus the Prince of Peace
What does it mean to live under the authority of the Prince of Peace? First, we have to recognize that authority and then we need to listen to the authority. God does not take authority over us. He IS the author of all things. He IS the authority. Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and he invites us to recognize and live under and by that authority.
Advent: Jesus our Hope
In this first week of the Advent Season we are looking at hope. Scripture says Jesus is our hope, and through his birth that we celebrate at Christmas, we are invited to anticipate, with great expectation, the coming of the one who leads us to salvation, the one who heals, restores and sets us free. We have a great hope in Jesus Christ!
Hope for Now and What’s to Come
In this week of thanksgiving, and also much grief in our church family, we are taking a moment to remind ourselves of the hope we have in Christ. Hope for our immediate situations, and hope for our eternal salvation. Because our hope of salvation in Jesus Christ gives us hope for today!
The Prepared Table
As we wrap up our series on Thanksgiving, we look at a Psalm of David that reminds us to give thanks. Psalm 23 speaks of the goodness of God, and our response to it. He is our shepherd - do we allow him to lead us? Even in our darkest times, we have a good shepherd that wants to lead us and set a table before us!
Practice Your Thanksgiving
No, practicing our thanksgiving isn't testing the pie early before you give it to your guests. We all know that giving thanks isn't always the easiest thing to do. But having a life and a heart of gratitude is key to following the way of Jesus. That means we need to remind ourselves to be thankful, to practice our thanksgiving at all times!
Give Thanks With A Grateful Heart
In our new series Give Thanks With A Grateful Heart we are looking at what it means to be grateful, not just in word, or even action, but truly from our heart. God wants to transform us to be more like Christ, and in so doing, our lives become an outward expression of the inward work of transformation!
We Are All Included
In our last week of our Ancient Faith for Modern Times series, we are looking at two last heroes of the faith. Just one of them is listed in Hebrews 11, and neither of them are actually from the nation of Israel. But their stories show that God includes us all in His great story!
The Significance of Jesus’ Baptism
Guest Speaker Jim Curtis from Connect Church / Harvest Alliance in Foley, AL is with us today.
No Matter the Circumstances
Some think it's easier to be faithful when things are going well. And other tend to lean toward going to God in the difficult times. But Joseph understood that it was in all times we are meant to be faithful. Good and bad. Difficulty and when everything is "going our way". Don't let the things you go through in life determine your faithfulness to God. Decide now that you will be faithful, regardless of what you encounter.